Weather in New Denmark

Public Hearing Notice


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be conducted on Monday, June 10, 2024 at 6:45 p.m. to hear public comment regarding the following rezoning request:

  1. Rezoning request from. Rezoning request from Ken & Jean Van Den Elzen to rezone approximately 10.4 acres from ND-637-5 from Ag-1 to Ag-R and attach parcel to ND-637-4 for the construction of a single family home.   This property is located at State Highway 96, Denmark.


Anyone wishing to make comment may do so the night of the meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Michelle Wallerius, Clerk


Emergency Alert 10-03-2024: Road Closure Notice: North Avenue from Ronk Road west to County Hwy X will be closed Monday, October 7 & Tuesday, October 8th. Please use an alternative route.