Weather in New Denmark

Public Hearing – Rezoning request for ND-146-5-1


Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be conducted on Monday, February 10, 2020 at 6:45 p.m. to hear public comment regarding the following rezoning request:


  1. A request from S. Boyea to rezone parcel ND-146-5-1 (4.5 acres) from Ag-1 to Light Industrial-1.  This property is located at County Hwy R/Adjacent to 5268 County Hwy R.  Lot 1 of 42 CSM 357 Map 6425 IN 1833948.  Part of SW ¼ Sec 8 t22n R22E & PRT IN 2369523.

Anyone wishing to make comment may do so the night of the meeting.

 Respectfully Submitted,


Michelle Wallerius, Clerk


Emergency Alert 10-03-2024: Road Closure Notice: North Avenue from Ronk Road west to County Hwy X will be closed Monday, October 7 & Tuesday, October 8th. Please use an alternative route.